Wicked Joe Allagash Blend Ground Coffee

$51.00 Brand: Wicked Joe Organic CoffeesWicked Joe Organic Coffees

Case of 6.

By purchasing this product, you are helping to protect and preserve the Allagash Wilderness Waterway, a unique area established by the People of Maine in 1966. Located in the heart of northern Maine's working forests, this scenic, 92-mile stretch of rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds, has long been enjoyed as an outdoor adventurer's paradise. Both the citizens and the state of Maine, through the Bureau of Parks and Lands, seek to ensure that the Allagash Wilderness Waterway will always been maintained as a place of beauty, refuge and recreation. 

Wicked Joe has artisan roasted and hand crafted this delicious coffee in support and celebration of Allagash Wilderness Waterway Foundation's Youth on the Allagash Initiative. Find out about this and more on: www.awwf.org

ORIGIN: Central America
TASTING NOTES: Smooth, dark chocolate, caramel, with a hint of roast on the finish

12 OunceCaffeinated CoffeeMedium Roast CoffeeFair Trade Certified CoffeeUSDA Organic Coffee

Email Us
Northeast Coffee Company
60 Southgate Parkway
Skowhegan, ME 04976

Poland Spring Water